Sai Chandra Kumari Kalla

MSc, 2020

Supervisor: Prof. Leslie Rusch
Thesis: Neural Nets to Approach Optimal Receivers for High Speed Optical Communiation



Publication list

  • S. C. K. Kalla, R. H. Nejad, S. Zhalehpour, and L. A. Rusch, "Neural Nets to Approach Optimal Receivers for High Speed Optical Communication," in IEEE Conference on Lasers and Electro‐Optics (CLEO 2020), San Jose, CA, p. STh4M.4, 2020.
  • S.C.K. Kalla and L.A. Rusch, “Recurrent neural nets achieving MLSE performance in bandlimited optical channels,” IEEE Photonics Conference (IPC), pp. MA3.3, 2020.
  • S.C.K. Kalla, C. Gagné, and L.A. Rusch, “Recurrent neural networks achieving mlse performance for optical channel equalization,” submitted, Journal of Lightwave Technology (JLT), October 2020.


CLEO 2020 - Neural Nets to Approach Optimal Receivers for High Speed Optical Communiation